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Accommodations Explained: Part Two


This part two in the Accommodations explained series. Part One can be found at K & J Workplace Access. In part two we are beginning to prepare for discussions around workplace accommodations. In this article we will cover necessary documentation and information sharing.

What does the organization need to meet an accommodation?

Generally speaking, an employer cannot ask an employee disability related question. This means that the employee is not required to disclose their specific disability or condition when making an accommodation request.

Making an accommodation request is actually pretty straightforward. The requester needs to communicate to their employer that they need an accommodation for a reason related to a medical condition.

An accommodation request doesn’t even have to be made in writing and can be done through any method of communication, but written documentation is recommended. Written documentation ensures both the requester and the organization are on the same page, it allows for tracking the request, improves the likelihood of follow through, and is a reference to review should a dispute ever occur.

While the requester does not need to disclose their specific medical condition, an employer can require medical documentation confirming that the employee has a disability or medical condition and showing that they need the requested accommodation.

What is medical documentation?

There is no standard form in the United States for accommodation requests. This gives organizations the freedom to build an accommodation request process that works best for them.

As the average workplace accommodation costs $500 or less and many accommodations have no financial cost it is encouraged that employers honor reasonable accommodation requests as they are made, regardless of whether or not the employee has medical documentation readily available.

What should be included in an accommodation request?

It is recommended to include the following fields on any accommodation request form:

· The accommodation being requested

· The benefit of the accommodation

· The duration of the accommodation

The requester should know the specific support that they need and how that support will positively impact their performance. Some accommodations will be temporary, others may be ongoing. Some accommodations may need to be revised or changed over time.

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